Ingrid Writes (and Helps)

It started with shoes. 

Actually, it started with a pen. I had an exotic desire to attend a writing workshop in Guatemala. I applied, agonized over my submission, and was accepted. I then agonized over my official submission to be workshopped and started to plan travel.

One letter said that past attendees regretted not making plans to stay longer. I wanted no regrets! When I asked how to go about staying longer, I also asked how to connect with volunteer opportunities in the community. 

If I am traveling, why not do something good wherever I go? Not hard, right?

Writers were invited to bring shoes for the children of San Marcos. So with my inquiry about volunteering, I was presented with the opportunity to head up the shoe donations. I TOOK IT!

The need for shoes blossomed into greater needs. I am just one person, but I can do SOMETHING for someone. That's how this all started. Read the posts to find the things that touched my heart and sparked "Raise the Roof" in San Marcos.

If you want to help me make a difference while I'm in Guatemala, here are a few ways to contribute financially: 


CashApp: $IngridWrites 

Venmo: @IngridWrites 

IF YOU NEED A TAX DEDUCTION: You can donate to a local organization who will work with me to put finances toward "Raise the Roof":

To see some of the other projects they are doing in the community (we writers from Joyce Maynard's workshops have helped with scholarships as well), visit their Facebook Page here:

If you can't get enough here, there's always more happening on Facebook! Check it out "Ingrid Writes" here:
